Monday, October 10, 2011

Matching Resources to Faith

Sermon-Proper 23A/ Pentecost +17
October 9, 2011
The Cloud of Unknowing, "O God, our great companion, lead us ever more deeply into the mystery of your life and ours, that we may be faithful interpreters of that Life to each other, through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
“My God of peace, of joy and delight,
I offer you all my tears, all my ignorance.
My God of peace, of joy and delight,
I offer you all my fears and fractured promises.
You, my God, know all this, all this;
How poor I am, how small I am;
You, my God, know all this, all this.
Yet what I have, my God, I give to you.”
[Paul Verlaine 1844-1896]

Over 2 years ago we hired the diocesan consultant on stewardship, Kristine Miller, to work with us on our goals and dreams. In an all day meeting about 30 members of Trinity identified 4 areas that were important to our future. We talked about how we wanted our resources to match our goals.
First and foremost were our youth. We agreed that our children and youth were one of our highest priorities, and we made a decision to invest more resources into making sure that they knew it. We significantly upgraded their space in the basement. We purchased furniture, painted, scrubbed, bought supplies, and we agreed that we would celebrate youth sabbaths twice each year. We wanted our youth to know that we were committed to them.
Second, we wanted to improve on our building and grounds. Morris, Virg, and Kraig have worked nonstop on our property the last 2 years. At one point a few weeks I said to Virg, “I can’t remember a time in the last 25 years that we have done so much improving our property,” and she replied, “well, it couldn’t wait!” Whether it’s painting, caulking, the Bell tower, the floors, the landscaping-you name it. The last 2 years we have been working very hard to get the building and grounds in the best condition they have ever been in. Carpets cleaned, floors polished, cracks healed, plumbing fixed-we are committed to maintaining and improving our property and keeping it in excellent condition.
A third priority was our communications. We wanted to upgrade our website, and begin using electronic communication a lot more. We hired a first class website designer and worked with him for a year. The communications team has been meeting throughout the last 2 years to continue expanding it. We’ve also begun weekly parish updates, e-mailing the Bell and now our quarterly statements. We’re not done yet. But ever since we identified communications as a priority we have been devoted to making sure that the parish knows what’s going on, and we know what your concerns and needs are. We’ve come a long way.
Finally, we wanted to develop and expand our Adult Christian education. We had been going in stops and starts for a long time in how we approached adult Christian formation. Over the last 3 years we have begun a long term weekly study program, Education for Ministry; we began a weekly program in between services-the Adult Forum; we have had 2 major programs-Spirituality and Personality and the History of Church Music; very well attended Lenten programs, a very popular 3 month Inquirers program last spring; and recently two small weekly short term study groups.
When we met over 2 years ago we wanted our money, time, and resources to match our goals and dreams. We agreed that we would invest in our priorities so that people could tell by looking at us what were our main concerns. We take great pride in what we have done the last 2 ½ years. We set the bar high and we have worked hard to reach it. Next February we will meet with Kristine again as we review what we have accomplished, and where we believe God is calling us to go next. Today we begin our stewardship pledge campaign. We wanted to begin by letting you know what we have been doing, how we have sought to keep the faith-with God and you-with our gifts.
Today we ask you to begin thinking about your life, your commitments. On October 30th we will ask you to turn in your pledge. And for 2012 we will be asking you to match your resources to your faith. Amen.

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